Keeping an eye on post covid symptoms
“I believe that for every illness or ailment known to man, the God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing.”
Since the first report of coronavirus disease on December 31, the virus has dominated the life of every person worldwide. The clinical representation of Covid cases ranges from asymptomatic, mid symptomatic to fatal. The Covid symptoms lasts for an average of 11.5 days but the post-Covid symptoms still need to be kept in check.
When a person has just recovered from Covid-19, he/she is prone to have some symptoms including fatigue, body ache, difficulty in breathing, sore throat, etc. Some points should be kept in mind to monitor your health at home:
- Taking appropriate rest
- Spending about half an hour in sunlight
- Self- monitoring on oxygen levels and temperature
- Exercising daily like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises
- Drinking 8-10 glasses of warm water
- Doing saline gargles, if someone has persistent dry cough/sore throat
- Using less electronic gadgets
- Taking covid vaccine shot after 3 months of recovery
- Take prescribed medication without fail and have a follow-up consultation with your concerned doctor after 7 days of recovery
You don’t need to think that you have won the battle, but the war is still on. Eating is the best tool to overcome post-Covid malnutrition and weakness. Here are some tips that you can follow:
- Eat small and easy to digest meals at regular intervals like lentil soup, porridge or rice
- Have 75-100 grams of protein daily in the form of pulses, milk products, soy or dry fruits
- Have Rajma, Lobia, almonds, pumpkin seeds etc. as these are a good source of zinc which supports immune health.
- Food rich in Vitamin C act as strong antioxidant to lung health like citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, strawberries, spinach etc.
- Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol.
- Avoid excessive salt.
- Avoid junk food, excessive sugar, oily and fried products, coffee, bakery products and chocolates.
Keeping a watch on post-Covid symptoms, we also need to keep a watch on symptoms of Black Fungus. Some symptoms are stated below:
- Pain and redness around eyes and nose
- Fever, headache and coughing
- Swelling, pain or numbness on face
- Shortening of breath
- Swelling in eyes, difficulty in opening and loss of vision
- Blocked nose; blood or foul-smelling discharge from nose
- Pain in teeth and ulcers in mouth
- Black rashes on face
Other than keeping a watch, we should also follow the Covid precautions:
- Wearing mask when stepping outside
- Home quarantine yourself after returning from hospital for at least 7-10 days
- Maintain physical distancing
- Washing hands with soap or using a sanitizer at regular time intervals.